Drug use a fact of life in New Zealand

Thursday 10 May 2012, 2:54PM

By Methcon Group Ltd


Reports into the two recent air tragedies reveal that Cannabis was present in the system of two tandem parachuting instructors killed at Fox Glacier and Lance Hopping, the pilot of the doomed hot air balloon in Carterton.

Neither tragedy has been attributed to cannabis use, however much surprise has been expressed through the media.

Managing Director of drug education consultancy Methcon Group and former Police drug squad detective, Dale Kirk, asks:

“Why are we surprised?”

“ Whilst it is certainly disturbing that people working in an industry where they are responsible for their customers lives, it is hardly surprising given New Zealanders love affair with mind altering drugs”

“Cannabis is entrenched in New Zealand. We consistently rate at the top end of countries worldwide in terms of usage rates and in fact use more cannabis than West Africa and the Caribbean, areas that are typically associated with dope”

“We smoke more dope than the dreadlocked Rastafarians!”

“Superb growing conditions, a binge mentality, apathy, a liberal approach taken by the courts, inter-generational usage, increased THC potency together with propaganda peddled by the pro-cannabis advocates continue to feed the romantic notion that cannabis is a soft drug that has no detrimental effect on society”

“As a former drug squad Detective I’ve worked in communities where almost everyone smokes dope and there is a passive acceptance”

“The negative consequences, particularly on the developing human brain are well documented in numerous studies worldwide. Not to mention the respiratory and other associated health issues”

“Of course pro-cannabis zealots, for the sake of promoting decriminalization will dispute the clear medical facts and claim that its harmless and furthermore that drug educators are scaremongers and have a vested interest. ”

“However the fact that a drug is legal or illegal is irrelevant and makes no difference to the chemical makeup. It is the damage that is causes that matters.”

“Its called dope for a reason. Its not called ‘clever’”

“It is smoked throughout our society and is accepted by many people as normal.”

“Just like alcohol or any other mind altering drug, cannabis causes impairment and reduces reflexes and our decision making ability. As a lover of the ground, I would struggle to get into a hot air balloon or sky dive at the best of times, however, if I did, I would certainly hope and expect that anyone charged with looking after my safety in these circumstances would be free from the influence of any drug”

“Lets get real about drugs in New Zealand otherwise stop acting surprised about their prevelance”