Key Council meetings for city's future

Friday 1 June 2012, 5:33PM

By Hamilton City Council



Key decisions on the proposed roadmap to improve Hamilton City Council’s financial position will be taken next week when Council deliberates on the city’s draft 10-Year Plan.

Council will deliberate on Wednesday 6 and Friday 8 June on proposals in the Plan, taking into account the views of the 725 written submissions made and the views expressed in person by around 200 during recent hearings.

A prudent and sustainable financial strategy  which caps debt levels, proposes annual rating increases of 3.8%, reduces Council spending, and sees a return to a budget surplus underpin the proposed approach.

The Mayor and Councillors have a number of issues where key decisions will need to be made, including:

  • Transport operations and renewals funding
  • The sale of housing for older people
  • A new indoor recreation centre
  • The future of the Municipal Pools
  • Sale of assets, including the YMCA
  • Rating of community/church organisations
  • Development contributions policy


Chief Executive Barry Harris said engagement with the Hamilton community during the 10-Year Plan process had gone well.

“We’ve worked hard to ensure residents have understood what’s been proposed in the draft 10-Year Plan through easily digested information and community meetings, and that they have been able to easily share their views on the draft Plan with us through written submissions and face-to-face in user-friendly forums.

“My report to Council next week updates a number of budget and financial matters, and will require some challenging decision-making by Council to ensure the city’s plan for the next decade is fiscally responsible and sustainable.”

Next week’s meetings in the Council Chamber start at 9.30am with the public welcome to attend.
The 10-Year Plan will be adopted on 29 June ahead of it taking effect from 1 July 2012.