Active Transport Prizes from Penelope the Pukeko

Monday 4 June 2012, 1:29PM

By New Plymouth District Council



Look out New Plymouth commuters: Penelope the Pukeko will try to catch you on your trips to and from school and work!

From tomorrow (Tuesday) for up to two months on Tuesdays and Thursdays, the pukeko mascot of Let’s Go’s promotion of active transport will try to catch people ‘doing good’ by walking, cycling or bussing instead of taking a private car.

Those who are ‘caught’ will receive a spot prize from Penelope.

“The mascot was the brainchild of Bell Block School, which is one of the 16 schools we’re working with to encourage students to walk, ride or scoot to school,” says Let’s Go Project Manager Carl Whittleston.

“Each school has a route map which identifies safe routes, and the maps have a tiny pukeko marking areas where students need to be especially careful – such as at road crossings and sneaky driveways.

“Bell Block School wanted to personify the programme to really grab the students’ attention, and so Penelope the Pukeko was born.

“She isn’t just for students though – she’ll be promoting more Let’s Go programmes for children and adults over the coming months.”

Not only is Penelope a hit with kids, but she is also very visible on the streets. “She’s a reminder that it’s fun to be more active with our transport,” says Mr Whittleston.