Shotover Canyon Swing shows its community 'heart' with fundraiser

Tuesday 19 June 2012, 4:15PM

By Southern Public Relations


About to launch - Susie Swaffield receives a cheque for the Help Heal Rhys Foundation from Shotover Canyon Swing.
About to launch - Susie Swaffield receives a cheque for the Help Heal Rhys Foundation from Shotover Canyon Swing. Credit: Southern Public Relations
Susie Swaffield receives a cheque from Shotover Canyon Swing on behalf of the Help Heal Rhys Foundation.
Susie Swaffield receives a cheque from Shotover Canyon Swing on behalf of the Help Heal Rhys Foundation. Credit: Southern Public Relations


Queenstown’s high speed adrenalin thrill experience Shotover Canyon Swing has shown its big-hearted, community-minded side by raising funds for a sick little boy.

Shotover Canyon Swing’s Community Fundraiser is an initiative run each year to raise funds for a charity picked by the company’s own staff.

This year the company raised $8,000 for the ‘Help Heal Rhys Foundation’.  Rhys Heal was born prematurely and suffers from cerebal palsy, and is the nephew of former Shotover Canyon Swing employee Susie Swaffield.

Every customer who experienced a Swing from the middle of May to June 17 was offered another swing in return for a $10 donation, waiving the usual $39 extra jump charge.

“Each year we select a charity or worthy person to support with our annual fundraiser. This year Susie approached us to see if we would be able to help the fundraising efforts for an operation Rhys badly needs,” said Marketing Projects Manager Steve Thompson.

“Everyone’s generosity was amazing.  Each year we’re blown away by how willing people are to help.”

Rhys’s cerebal palsy means he has difficulty walking distances, falls a lot, finds stairs are a problem, riding a scooter too intricate and jumping impossible, largely because the cerebal palsy makes his legs so stiff.

Despite this, Rhys and his family are determined he should receive every opportunity to overcome these challenges.  Although only given a fifty percent chance of walking at birth, Rhys overcame those odds by walking at age three.

Funds have been raised for Rhys to have Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy, an operation where sensory nerves in the spinal cord are cut, permanently reducing his stiffness.  The five-year-old will then need ongoing intensive physiotherapy for a further two years.

Ms Swaffield said the money raised by Shotover Canyon Swing had pushed the fund ‘over the line’ to enable Rhys to have the life-changing operation in the United States, which he is booked in for next week.

“I couldn’t believe how much they raised, I was absolutely gobsmacked,” she said.

“This money has helped push the fund over the £50,000 pound-mark needed for the operation, which will give him so much more independence.

“For him to be able to walk down the street without falling over would be pretty amazing.”

Ms Swaffield said Shotover Canyon Swing “jumped on board” straight away when she approached them to raise money for Rhys.

“They’re a tight knit company they look after you, so I was really chuffed they stood behind me and helped me out. Their hearts melted when they saw a video of Rhys, so I’d like to say a huge ‘thank you’ on behalf of Rhys and his family.

“I can’t believe what a generous place Queenstown is.”

The team at Shotover Canyon Swing was “delighted” to raise funds for a cause close to their heart.

“Even though Susie no longer works for us full-time, once someone works at the Swing they are part of the family,” said Mr Thompson.

Billed as ‘the world’s highest cliff jump’, the adrenalin-fuelled nature of Shotover Canyon Swing is a good fit for the Help Heal Rhys fundraising effort.  Rhys’ mother ran her first marathon as her contribution to the fund, and other family friends in the UK took part in an ultra-marathon (70 miles), a 112-mile bike ride and sky diving to help the cause.

“We always want to ensure that the money we raise as part of our community fundraiser will go somewhere where it will make a difference,” said Mr Thompson.

“We’re only a small company but it’s so rewarding for us to help make a big difference, especially when it involves someone who used to be part of the team.”

Last year Shotover Canyon Swing raised funds for earthquake-devastated Mt Pleasant School in Christchurch.

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