Government sends mixed messages on housing

Friday 29 June 2012, 1:08PM

By Labour Party



The Government’s mixed messages to people without adequate housing in Christchurch is indicative of its botched handling of the local crisis, says Labour’s Housing spokesperson Annette King.

“What we have is the bizarre spectacle of one Government Minister encouraging homeless Cantabrians to squat in abandoned red zoned properties, while the Minister of Housing and Minister of Earthquake Recovery denies there is a crisis at all.

“The Christchurch community and businesses are crying out for leadership and this is yet another example of a government whose right hand doesn’t know what the left is doing.

“If the government was serious about resolving housing issues it would start by addressing its own housing stock.

“There are 701 state houses described by Housing New Zealand as ‘vacant pending development’ in Christchurch. It is time for the Government to lead the way by making these houses available for desperate people.

“Added to the on-going misery is the fact that since February 2011 Housing New Zealand has only purchased two properties in Christchurch.

“This goes no way to meeting the needs of the region.

“There is also good rationale to allow undamaged houses in the red zone to be used for temporary accommodation in the short term.

“Rather than close their ears and eyes to any suggestions, I am urging the Government to look at alternatives for people who are sleeping in cars or living several to a single room,” Annette King said.