Hamilton's future back on track with adoption of Plan

Friday 29 June 2012, 5:41PM

By Hamilton City Council



An achievable, considered and financially prudent plan for Hamilton which gets the city back on track is the outcome of the city’s 10-Year Plan, which was adopted today by Hamilton City Council.

The Plan sets out how Council is going to run the city for the next decade, the financial approach needed to achieve that, and the projects which will ensure the needs of Hamilton as a growing city are met.

Rates will increase on average by 3.8 per cent each year, the cost to run the city will be reduced by $15 million over the next three years, and projected debt levels will fall from a forecasted $700 million to around $440 million.

Mayor Julie Hardaker says Council, along with the many residents who shared their views during consultation, has delivered an outstanding Plan which puts the city back on track.

“This time last year the Council began to review its business and the cost of delivering services to the city to address the many financial issues the Council was facing. The 10-Year Plan signed off by the Council today provides a financial programme that addresses those issues and ensures that the city receives good services in a cost effective way and continues to grow and develop.

“This 10-Year Plan has been used by other local authorities and commentators as a blue print for getting it right and I am very pleased that starting 1 July, we can close the door on the financial issues and get on with the other very important projects happening for the city."

The 10-Year Plan was today issued an unqualified audit opinion by Audit New Zealand which confirmed the Council had complied with all of the requirements in the Local Government Act. Council has demonstrated good practice for a Council of its size, with a financially prudent Plan which has been clearly communicated to the community.