Urban redevelopment company to transform Tāmaki

Tuesday 24 July 2012, 1:40PM

By Phil Heatley



The Government and the Auckland Council signed a Heads of Agreement today to jointly form New Zealand’s first urban redevelopment company to transform Tâmaki (including Glen Innes, Point England and Panmure) in Auckland over the next 15-25 years.

Housing Minister Phil Heatley says that the jointly-owned Tâmaki Redevelopment Company (TRC) will bring together the right public and private partners, the right level of resource, authority and mandate to get results in Tâmaki. Similar companies have been successful internationally.

“The people of the Tâmaki community have told us they are keen to see the Tâmaki Transformation Programme vision that has been developed by the local community, together with central and local government partners during the foundation period, brought to fruition as quickly as possible. The new company will make that happen,” he said.

Work has been going on to examine how to transform Tâmaki into a thriving, prosperous, attractive and self-reliant community. 

Auckland Mayor Len Brown welcomes the partnership with Government and says the work in Tâmaki reflects what the council is working to achieve across Auckland through the recently-launched Auckland Plan.

“It is only through initiatives like the transformation of Tâmaki that Auckland can become the world’s most viable city,” says the Mayor. “The people of Tâmaki have been waiting for this for a long time and this is a great project for the new Auckland to be getting on with. Many thanks are due to those who have contributed to the Tamaki Transformation project over several years.”

Mr Heatley says that, if successful, this redevelopment programme could be a blueprint for urban renewal elsewhere in the country.

“Successful transformation programmes overseas have brought together the local community, government, business, education, social agencies, developers and financiers in claboration to achieve a common vision.

“Tâmaki is a key growth area for Auckland and its future prosperity will have a flow-on effect for the rest of the country.  The new company will ensure a co-ordinated approach to create measurable improvement across four key components over time.”

A social component will support Tâmaki residents and their famies in getting the skills, knowledge and employment opportunities they need. An economic component will strengthen the local economy, creating new jobs and business opportunities.

A housing component will optimise land use and existing housing stock, including progressing private housing development and devering better social housing options in Tâmaki.

Meanwhile, a spatial component will create safe and connected neighbourhoods and spaces that support the social and economic development of Tâmaki and its community. 

The first task for the new company will be to bring all the current and future initiatives and projects together into a single strategic framework. This will include catalyst projects to improve education, employment, health, environment, and safety. The Crown and the Council will approve the over-arching plan and business cases before full transformation projects start.

The TRC will lead the transformation, undertaking some projects itself, procuring devery of other projects, and influencing the direction of others.

The jointly owned company is a new structure for the Government and the Council. Res and responsibities have been defined in the Heads of Agreement signed today. 

The new company will have a board of up to seven directors to allow for a wide range of skills.  A comprehensive appointment process for the full board is under way. 

The Chief Executive Officer-designate of the new company is Debra Lawson, who will take up the position on 3 September. She has over 20 years’ experience as a chief executive in organisations devering affordable homes and social infrastructure in the United Kingdom.

She has worked at the leading edge of pubc private partnership initiatives, devering large-scale and complex urban regeneration programmes within the diverse communities of South London, with a strong focus on accountabity to local people.

The TRC will be based in offices in the Glen Innes area.

For further information:


What kind of company will be set up?

The new Tāmaki Redevelopment Company (TRC) will be a special purpose company that brings together pubc and private sector investment, a wide range of multi-sector partners and a mandate to spearhead implementation of transformation activities. Such regeneration entities usually work within a commercial framework, making them credible with, and attractive to, private sector investors.

When will the new company be operational?

The new company is expected to be operational as soon as board appointments have been made in the next few months.

Who will be on the board of the new company and how will they be chosen?

The new company will have a board of up to seven directors to allow for a wide range of skills.  The appointment process is in the process of development. It is envisaged, however, that at least one of the directors will have experience and knowledge of relevant Māori and Pacific issues.

Who will be the new company’s CEO?

Debra Lawson has been appointed CEO-designate. She has more than 20 years’ experience managing urban regeneration programmes in the UK.  She takes up her re on 3 September. 

The jointly-owned company is a new structure in New Zealand.  How will it work in practice?

Res and responsibities are defined in the Heads of Agreement which has been signed today.

Will the new company consult with the Tāmaki community about its needs?

Yes. The Tāmaki community has been an integral part of developing the vision for the Transformation Programme over the past few years, with widespread and continuous consultation with mana whenua and the local community.  The new company will continue to work with the community to further develop that vision and to identify the transformational activities that are necessary. This is very much a “place-based” approach which will allow for sutions that meet local needs.

Which areas will be covered by the Tāmaki Transformation?

The Tāmaki Transformation Programme area broadly comprises the suburbs of Glen Innes (East and West), Point England and Panmure. Further work is under way to consider how best to draw the boundaries to ensure the best mix of development opportunities.  A map of the indicative regeneration area is included as part of the Heads of Agreement.

Why have these areas been chosen?

Tāmaki has been identified as an area with significant potential.  It is close to the Auckland and Manukau central business districts and is of significant cultural importance to the mana whenua of the Auckland area. It has a young population, a sense of history and community, green spaces and near-coastal location. The Tâmaki community wants to get ahead and has aspirations for greater self-reance through improved education and employment opportunities, better health facitated by improved housing and safer neighbourhoods.

Where will the new company be based?

The company will have offices in Glen Innes town centre so it can be at the heart of the community it serves.

How can I put forward a project for the TRC to consider?

The company will work with the community to develop a strategic framework.  It is important to note that the company will not contr all Crown and Council activities in Tāmaki, but will work closely with them and with the community to make sure that all regeneration activities are progressed with the purpose of moving Tāmaki into the future.  Submissions should be made to the TRC in the first instance once it is operational.