New Zealanders addicted to Chocolate!

Tuesday 21 August 2012, 12:48PM

By Spark Activate


Two in five Kiwis are addicted to chocolate according to a recent survey conducted by Waikato Valley Chocolate.

The New Zealand owned company commissioned the survey to get a better idea of Kiwis’ chocolate eating habits.

Of more than 1000 New Zealanders surveyed, 41% said they ate chocolate because they were addicted, with 35% of Kiwis saying they indulged more than once a week.

Waikato Valley Chocolate’s Operations Manager, Paula Alderman says, ‘It’s no wonder Kiwis love chocolate when it’s not only delicious, but has so many positive effects.  Studies have shown that it raises endorphins, helps in relaxation and can be healthy for the heart. It has also been suggested that those who eat chocolate live a year longer than those who don’t!’ *

Interestingly, the survey also found Kiwis prefer a simple approach when it comes to taste with Milk Chocolate voted New Zealand’s favourite flavour.

Additional findings of Survey

-          1022 people surveyed
-          41% choose to eat chocolate after dinner
-          14.5% eat chocolate every day with only 0.7% never eating it
-          13.6% eat chocolate when they are bored

About Waikato Valley Chocolate
-          100% New Zealand Owned and New Zealand Made

-          Manufactured and sold exclusively for The Warehouse

-          All new recipe uses predominantly locally sourced ingredients

-          Made in the Waikato with more than 20 years of passion and creativity

Product range includes:
200g bars
·         Creamy Milk, Hokey Pokey, Fruit and Nut, Forest Fruit

Delicious chocolate coated fruit and nuts
·         Scorched almonds, Chocolate macadamias, Chocolate mixed nuts

·         Chocolate peanuts and raisins

·         Dark Chocolate strawberries

·         Coconut rough

*Everyday mood and emotions after eating a chocolate bar or an apple; Macht,M, Dettmer, D; Appetite, Volume 46, Issue 3, May 2006, Pages 332–336
Chocolate: Good for the Mind, Body & Spirit; Kirsti A. Dyer, MD, MS, CWS, Medical Wellness Archives, 2006: Volume 3, Number 1