Christchurch-West Melton Zone Committee meeting

Wednesday 22 August 2012, 12:19PM

By Environment Canterbury



The Christchurch-West Melton Zone Committee will meet on 23 August for its monthly meeting to discuss water management issues in the zone.

The committee will begin by inviting community members to contribute to the meeting, before receiving an update from the Regional Committee.

Next, the committee will receive a presentation on Environment Canterbury’s pollution prevention work programme and consider how it aligns with the committee’s thinking for its draft Zone Implementation Programme (ZIP) for water management.

A particular focus for Environment Canterbury’s pollution team is currently on educating DIY and commercial painters to follow best practice when disposing of excess paint correctly.  It is estimated there will be up to 6,000 painters working in the Christchurch area at the peak of the earthquake rebuild and repair programme. 

Paint brushes should be washed with a hose over the lawn or in the laundry tub. Paint should not be tipped down the stormwater drain as it can go untreated in to the city’s waterways and harm aquatic life.

The committee will then hear from Environment Canterbury about the goals for wetland management in the zone in the context of the Canterbury Water Management Strategy (CWMS).

The committee will also look at the indigenous biodiversity components of its draft ZIP and identify any gaps based on an analysis of indigenous biodiversity habitats in the region.

The zone committee has held four informal workshops to further develop possible key principles, priorities, and outcomes for its draft ZIP since its last meeting in July.

The output from these workshops has been reworked for the zone committee to highlight any significant points for further discussion and consider the working document’s alignment with the CWMS.

The committee hopes to have a draft ZIP ready for public feedback in October. Once the feedback has been processed a final version of the ZIP will be presented to councils to form the basis for the design and realignment of water management work programmes and long term plans.

The Christchurch - West Melton Zone Committee has been working since November 2011 to understand the major water management issues in the zone.

Committee meetings are open to the public and community members are provided opportunities to participate in water management discussions and share their ideas.

Meeting details

Christchurch – West Melton Zone Committee meeting
6pm, Thursday, 23 August
The Boardroom, Fendalton Service Centre, 170 Clyde Road, Burnside

Read the agenda