Over one metre of new snow fell at Treble Cone last week

Monday 10 September 2012, 9:08AM

By EveNZ


Treble Cone's Saddle Basin has been blanketed with fresh snow this week creating fantastic conditions through to the end of the season
Treble Cone's Saddle Basin has been blanketed with fresh snow this week creating fantastic conditions through to the end of the season Credit: EveNZ


Lake Wanaka, New Zealand (10 September 2012) Over one metre of new snow fell at Treble Cone last week, with more forecast for the next few days.

On Sunday and Monday (2/3 September) Treble Cone received 65cm of new snow at the top of the Home Basin and in the Saddle Basin, a further 50cm plus has fallen since Friday. This snowfall provides fresh tracks for visitors to Treble Cone this week and excellent conditions for the last three weeks of the season.

Treble Cone's scheduled closing day is 30 September. For further information, visit