Staff Accommodation Press Release

Wednesday 19 September 2012, 2:41PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



A call for Requests for Proposals (RFP) made by the Queenstown Lakes District Council regarding office accommodation in Queenstown is continuing to progress.

With Council staff located in six different buildings in Queenstown, the search for a single office solution, for Council and its Council Controlled Organisation, Lakes Environmental, commenced in July, 2012.

“Council acknowledges that the location of staff in different buildings is neither sustainable nor cost efficient. We decided to test the market to identify potential options to deliver a ‘one stop shop’ in terms of our customer service,” QLDC acting chief executive Stewart Burns said.

In total Council received 14 different proposals for both privately-owned land and Council-owned land.

“Having assessed all proposals Council has now requested that seven proposals for central Queenstown proceed to stage two,” Mr Burns said. This was effectively a request for more detail.

Council last week, sought RFPs for a proposed Convention Centre.

“We are running these processes along similar timeframes so that in due course, Council will be in a position to make decisions regarding both,” Mr Burns said.

It was important that Council had the range of options on the table at the same time so the right decisions could be made for both proposals, he said.