New Residents Invited to Welcoming Function

Thursday 4 October 2012, 3:31PM

By New Plymouth District Council



Are you new to the district, or have you returned after living elsewhere?

New Plymouth District Council is holding a Welcome to the District function to formally welcome those who have shifted here – whether from elsewhere in New Zealand or from overseas.

“It’s been more than a year since the last function so there will be plenty of people who have shifted to our community during that time,” says Mayor Harry Duynhoven.

“It’s a good opportunity for those who have chosen to live in our district to meet each other and socialise, and to be officially welcomed to their new home. Making new friends and contacts is the fastest way for new international residents to become settled.”

Those interested in coming to the 29 October function can request an invitation from New Plymouth District Council by phoning 06-759 6060 or emailing