Skills and Employment Hub for Christchurch

Tuesday 9 October 2012, 3:19PM

By Paula Bennett



Social Development Minister Paula Bennett and Immigration Minister Nathan Guy have today announced a further boost to recruitment for the Christchurch rebuild through a new Canterbury Skills and Employment Hub.

"Helping people into work on the Christchurch rebuild is a key priority for this Government and a streamlined business friendly recruitment process is vital," says Mrs Bennett.

The Hub will be a one-stop shop for employers to list vacancies and recruit from Work and Income, the various rebuild training programmes, or where needed bring in skilled labour from overseas.

It will include a physical presence in central Christchurch and an online register of job opportunities which job seekers can access nationwide.

Four experienced and well-connected skills brokers will be seconded to the Hub to work with businesses and help match job seekers to these positions, referring them to skills or industry training where needed.

"This Government is focused on skills and pre-employment training to support people into work and help break the cycle of long term benefit dependence," says Mrs Bennett.

"The new Hub will build on current initiatives and make the most of existing relationships with businesses in the region," she says.

If New Zealanders aren't available to fill advertised positions then the Hub will be able to facilitate visa applications for migrant labour.

"The Canterbury Skills and Employment Hub will also pilot a new approach to the migrant work visa process between Immigration and Work and Income," says Mr Guy.

"This will give New Zealanders the first crack at jobs in the rebuild and save employer's time if they have to apply to Immigration for a work visa for new staff," he says.

The Canterbury Skills and Employment Hub pilot is expect to go live in mid-November this year.