Environmental Zipline Adventure Opens on Waiheke Island

Tuesday 23 October 2012, 4:17PM

By noodle


Flying high- eco tourism adventure on Waiheke Island
Flying high- eco tourism adventure on Waiheke Island Credit: EcoZip Adventures

A tourism venture on Waiheke Island combines spectacular vistas, high flying adventure and interpretive walks through pristine native bush.  EcoZip Adventures provides adventure and education with a new zipline eco-tourism experience at the top of Waiheke’s scenic Trig Hill.

EcoZip Adventures managing director Gavin Oliver says the experience will fill a gap in the Auckland tourism scene and give visitors another reason to stay longer in Auckland and include a trip to Waiheke Island as part of their stay.

“Auckland Mayor Len Brown noted last year that on average tourists spend only one-and-a-half nights in Auckland,” says Oliver. 

“Overseas visitors head to other centres to find adventure or immerse themselves in New Zealand’s incredible outdoor environment.  We know you can do those things right here in Auckland and have created  a new opportunity for outdoor adventure”.

Three dual ziplines each spanning over 200m in length, will allow two people to ride side by side on  soaring journeys above vineyards and the tree top canopy, down into pristine native bush featuring mature indigenous trees and ferns and natural streams surrounded by birdlife. Visitors will then make their way via the boardwalks and walking tracks, with interpretive information boards about the flora and fauna, back up through regenerating and original 300 year old bush to the purpose-built visitor centre. The experience is expected to last between two and a half and three hours, including shuttles from the ferry and appeal to a wide audience, from age eight to 88.

Oliver says EcoZip Adventures Waiheke Island is more an environmental adventure experience than a thrill-seeker’s ride, “There are countless exhilarating adventure attractions around New Zealand from bungee jumps to jet boats.  What EcoZip has created is a chance for anyone to get up close and personal with our native bush, to see it literally from new angles”.

Ziplining has gained huge popularity in the tourism sector in the US and other countries during the past few years.  However EcoZip Adventures has chosen to partner with Kiwi businesses to design, engineer and build the Waiheke attraction.