Community invited to view three years of learning

Wednesday 24 October 2012, 1:07PM

By Hastings District Council



The 4th annual Te Kōrari Exhibition created and curated by Toi Paematua students of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa opens on Sunday 28th October in the Hastings Library.

Kaiako Raranga (weaving teacher) Te Muri Whaanga says this exhibition of raranga (weaving) is a celebration of three years of learning for some students.

“Students are assessed on all aspects of preparation and presentation at the exhibition.” Ms Whaanga says.

“This year’s exhibition promises to be outstanding and will include work by level 4, 5 and 6 students along with flax preparation and weaving demonstrations.”

District Libraries Manager Paula Murdoch says both the Hastings Library and the Hastings City Art Gallery support the Wānanga in bringing this exhibition to the public.

“The library venue helps make the exhibition accessible to the public, and our neighbours at the gallery are very supportive of the students who are talented artists.”
Te Wānanga o Aotearoa provides accessible education in an inclusive environment for all members of the community and our libraries are centres for lifelong learning and focal points for the community.

Te Kōrari will be open until Sunday 11th November.

Te Kōrari refers to the seeds and stem of the Harakeke plant (flax), symbolising many of the students' journeys in developing this collection. Harakeke - a staple survival plant in traditional Maori life used for kai, rongoa (medicine), whare, whariki (flooring), kakahu (clothing), sandals etc, prior to the arrival of European resources.