Council heads northeast for November meeting

Thursday 8 November 2012, 2:50PM

By Hamilton City Council



Hamilton City Council will hold its November Ordinary Meeting next week at the Chapel Hill Community Church, just the third time Council has met outside the Council Chamber.

The move to have meetings in venues other than the Council Chamber was made last year, when Council held its November meeting at the Western Community Centre in Nawton, says Democratic Services Manager Anthony Dick.

“Prior to that, Council’s only other ‘off-site’ meeting was in the 1980s, when a fire damaged the Chamber and it couldn’t be used while it was repaired,” Mr Dick says.

Mayor Julie Hardaker says: “Taking the council meeting out to the community is part of our commitment to a more open council process and to give the public an opportunity to come along and see how the council works and makes decisions.

“Last year we had a successful day out west and this year we are amongst the community on the east side of the river.  The Councillors and I are looking forward to the day.”

The shift to the Chapel Hill Community Church means the Ordinary Meeting will not be broadcast on the internet.

The meeting, on 13 November, will begin at 9.30am. The Chapel Hill Community Church is on Cate Rd, Rototuna.