Ports of Auckland workers remain united

Monday 12 November 2012, 7:17PM

By Maritime Union of New Zealand



Maritime Union of New Zealand members at Ports of Auckland have backed their Union with a vote of confidence.

A full meeting of Maritime Union members at the Ports of Auckland was held this morning Monday 12 November 7–9am at Auckland's Maritime Club.

Maritime Union of New Zealand National President Garry Parsloe says members voted with overwhelming support to back the Union to achieve a settlement of the ongoing dispute.

The members have reluctantly accepted concessions the Union has made in the facilitation to try and get progress, he says.

"However, Ports of Auckland workers are shocked their employer continues to want to destroy basic terms and conditions that provide for some balance in this 24/7 industry and which threaten the health and safety of the workforce."

Mr Parsloe says union members will not agree to unfair rostering which would undermine family life, with no certainty of start times, the ability for casuals to be used for any duties thereby removing a career path for workers at the port, and the loss of the limited right of one guaranteed weekend off in every three.

He says workers will not sign a POAL contract that continues to contain a contracting out provision after what they have been through.

"Our members will fight these changes however they can."

Mr Parsloe says any decision to take industrial action would be very seriously considered as we are aware of the costs to our members and disruption to the city.

“We cannot however stand by and let POAL progress this attack on our members and their families.”

Ports of Auckland workers at the meeting called on the Mayor of Auckland to sack the CEO and the Board and restore a moderate management who respects its workforce, says Mr Parsloe.

"They do this in the name of their families, the city of Auckland and New Zealand workers.  The mayor and council can fix this if they want to."