Weather frustrates efforts to assess Milford Road rock fall site

Thursday 15 November 2012, 2:17PM

By New Zealand Transport Agency



Low cloud has foiled attempts to inspect a rock fall site above the western entrance to the Homer Tunnel on State highway 94 to Milford Sound that has seen the road closed since Tuesday night due to the rock fall risk it poses.

“The weather has not played ball at all today, so we don’t have the necessary information to make an assessment of what we are dealing with. To do that, we need to get our getotech experts on the ground to take a closer look,” said NZ Transport Agency Southland Area Manager Peter Robinson.

“The weather forecast indicates there may be a long enough break in the weather tomorrow (Thursday 15 November) where we can make get people into the site for an inspection. Weather conditions for the remainder of the week are not great, with heavy rain forecast on Friday and Saturday.”

Mr Robinson said stable conditions at the rock fall site this morning, allowed essential food and transport for track walkers to get through to Milford Sound. Just before midday around 100 vehicles were convoyed back out of Milford Sound, so anyone wanting to leave has been able to do so.

The Milford Road from the Hollyford turn-off will be closed Thursday, 15 November 2012. We understand the frustration and inconvenience the closure may be causing during what is a busy time of the year. However, we have to be confident the rock fall isn’t a risk to road users before we re-open the road and we think most people understand that.

Mr Robinson said the NZTA would provide a further update at 5pm on Thursday 15 November.