Conserving Water at Home

Monday 29 August 2011, 8:28PM

By Double Black


Saving money and energy is a top concern for many families today. One of the most effective ways to save money and help the environment is to cut down on the amount of water that is used each day. Here are some tips on using water more effectively without wasting it.

Develop Good Water Habits

We all have habits that may cause us to use more water than we need to perform basic functions. For example, many people have a habit of leaving the faucet running while they are brushing their teeth. This practice can result in countless gallons of wasted water each day, especially if multiple members of a household share this habit. By being mindful of seemingly small habits such as this and changing them to more positive behaviors, a family can drastically cut down on the amount of water they use each day. The following are some additional effective changes that are easy to implement.

  • Take shorter showers or baths with less water
  • Don't leave the water running while shaving or washing your face
  • Run your dishwasher only when it is full
  • Avoid unnecessary toilet flushes


Perform a Home Renovation

It is not necessary to spend thousands of dollars on a total home makeover in order to cut down on water usage. However, a few simple changes as finances allow can make a huge difference in the amount of water a family uses on a regular basis. Take the following tips into consideration as you look around your home for any changes that can be made.

  • Replace any leaky pipes or faucets
  • Install energy efficient appliances or consider updating very old models
  • Consider purchasing water saving technology such as shower heads and automatic faucets


Recycle Water and Make Use of Rainwater

Many homes are now recycling water and collecting rainwater for use in gardening and other basic chores. For example, bath water can be used for watering plants and shrubs. Rainwater can easily be collected and used for general cleaning purposes, watering the garden and even flushing toilets. Some of these ideas may seem strange, but as you begin to make more changes they will become second nature. Even further, if you instill these habits in your children, you can help them to save money and protect their environment for decades after they leave home to begin their own families.