2013 Census: online response great

Wednesday 6 March 2013, 1:48PM

By Maurice Williamson


Statistics Minister Maurice Williamson says the online response to the census has been going great, but there’s still a way to go.

“Overnight the number of individual and dwelling forms completed online cracked the 1.7 million mark, which is a fantastic achievement.

“Statistics New Zealand’s census website operated without any issues. At its peak it was handling about 130,000 forms per hour, well within the system’s capacity.

“The Australian census managed to reach 30 per cent of forms completed online in its 2011 Census. The target for the New Zealand census is 35 per cent and we are on track to reach that.

“The census is like the Rugby World Cup for statisticians, so beating the Australians will certainly be a moment of pride for Statistics New Zealand.” Maurice Williamson says.

If people haven’t completed census forms it’s not too late. Collectors will be picking up paper forms right through until March 17th. People can also still complete census forms online.

“If for some reason you still have not received your census forms, or if you need extra forms, please contact the census Helpline on 0800 CENSUS (0800 236 787).”

Census results will be released from December.

All census information is kept confidential by Statistics NZ and can only be used for statistical purposes.