Protesting the GCSB + TICS Bills: Nationwide!

Tuesday 23 July 2013, 4:19PM




On the 27th of July, 2013 there will be a nation wide protest taking place in regards to the GCSB and TICS bills. All those taking part feel these bills are a huge injustice and violation of our basic human rights. Groups in at least 7 centers are gearing up to march in protest of this scandalous erosion of privacy granted us in the NZ Bill of Rights Act. The protest is being organised by the Stop The GCSB Bill community and its over 11'000 supporters and counting and the vast majority of kiwis that understand the bill goes too far and we need to seriously re-examine the role, power and scope of our espionage agencies.

This government refuses to accept the advice of the NZ Law Society, the Human Rights Commission and such notable figures such as Dame Anne Salmond. On Saturday, July 27th, the New Zealand Public add their voices to those experts in telling this government that this legislation does not represent the New Zealand Spirit.



Urgent public meeting in Auckland

A public meeting to oppose the GCSB Bill is being held at 7pm Thursday, Auckland 25th July at the Mt Albert War Memorial Hall.

Speakers include:

    Dame Ann Salmond - anthropologist, author and New Zealander of the year.
    Dr Rodney Harrison QC - presented the law society submission on the GCSB Bill.
    Kim Dotcom - most high profile victim of illegal GCSB spying.
    Thomas Beagle - civil liberties campaigner, co-founder of Tech Liberty.
