Get the Tools Now to improve Your Service Experience

Thursday 23 January 2014, 9:15AM

By Customer Experiences Ltd


Businesses clearly understand the increasing importance of quality customer service experiences in an economy that will continue to get more competitive as more products and services become commoditised and price is the only competitive advantage most businesses can come up with to grow market share.

According to Chris Bell Managing Director of Customer Experiences a company that specialises in the development of quality customer experiences its not a lack of understanding around the area of customer experience and customer service, it’s the lack of expertise and the tools to develop this vital area of business performance.

Today’s customers quickly see through window dressing. They are not impressed by initiatives that have been created with little understanding of customers’ expectations.
These initiatives in today’s market will lose customers and increase negative word of mouth.

In 2014 business must realise that in a world of excess, uniformity and repetition, people buy experiences, not products or services. When people feel good about their experiences, they will not only return but will tell their friends and many others via social media. Get it wrong and today many more will hear about it via the same social media channels. 

A recent Bloomberg Businessweek survey revealed that “delivering a great customer experience” has become the new imperative: 80% of the companies polled rated customer experience as a top strategic objective.

As co-founder of cemNZ an organisation set up to provide the NZ business community with first class information and events to help turn 2014 into the year for the customer and the creator of our unique customer experience development programme I will be facilitating a one day workshop focusing on the development of a unique customer experience strategy - Workshop information-

Customer Experiences is an organisation specialising in the developing of high quality customer experiences. For further information – contact Chris Bell Managing Director Customer Experiences Ltd email               mb 027 2792360