Where Are All the Great Customer Experiences?

Monday 21 July 2014, 9:55AM

By Customer Experiences Ltd


At a recent speaking engagement I asked delegates’ the following question “in the last 12 weeks how many have had a customer experience that exceeded your expectations”?
After some hesitation only one person raised their hand to tell us about an amazing recent experience with a plumber.

That’s one out of 110 people. If you worked out how many transactions would have taken place by 110 people over a 12 week period, it would be in the thousands.
Almost every day I hear or read about organisations that boost a customer centric culture or have strategies in place to exceed their customers’ expectations. In today’s highly competitive market this type of talk is very cheap unless it’s backed up with some genuine customer recommendations.
In our view there are two main reasons for poor customer experience service performance-
1) Complacency
2) A lack of customer experience development knowledge and expertise

The reason for complacency is the” inside out” view that the business is performing well in this area. Bain & Company research clearly backs this up “eighty percent of businesses believe they are delivering a great customer experience however only eight percent of customers agree”.
The lack of knowledge and expertise is due to the fact that NZ business especially SMEs have not had access to a proven strategic approach to customer experience development.
This is has now changed with the release of our fully supported free customer experience development programme

Research confirms that companies that provide exceptional service have a strong competitive advantage. Customers are prepared to pay higher prices, make additional purchases, are more loyal and recommend the business to others. All of this can be worth significant business growth and profitability. Already we are seeing complacency reduce as businesses start to increase market share as a result of their consistent, quality customer experience.
Customer Experiences is an organisation specialising in the developing of high quality customer experiences. For further information – contact Chris Bell Managing Director Customer Experiences Ltd email   mb 0272792360