Milford Family Dentist Now Offer Clear Correct, The Invisible Alternative to Traditional Braces

Friday 22 December 2017, 10:43AM

By Beckie Wright



Orthodontics is an evolving dental industry, moving from traditional metal braces to its newest technology – clear aligners. Clear aligners have plenty of benefits over traditional teeth braces, and the dental experts at Milford Family Dentist now offer Clear Correct, the invisible alternative to traditional orthodontic braces.

The practice of orthodontics has been around for a while, starting properly around the 19th century. Since then, there have been many advancements in its technologies, focussed on making sure more people can enjoy the benefits of having healthier, straighter teeth. Traditional metal braces have been doing exactly this, except they can be clunky, painful, and significantly alter one’s appearance.

Clear Correct works like most orthodontic appliances – they apply light pressure to move each tooth, reshaping the underlying supporting bones. Clear Correct aligners are clear, plastic trays made with 3D printers from virtual models of patients’ teeth, progressing from crooked to straight.

Many people prefer clear aligners because they are relatively invisible, helping improve their smiles without having to compromise facial aesthetics with clunky metal braces. Aligning teeth also improves dental functioning, allowing patients to chew food better, as well as prevents expensive future complications like premature dental wear and receding gums.

Patients simply wear Clear Correct aligners for most of the day (at least 22 hours), only taking them out when eating, drinking, or brushing their teeth. Initial aligners are then replaced for new aligners, with the rate of tray changes dependent on each individual. Generally, they are replaced every two weeks, with adult teeth taking longer to rebuild than younger kids’ teeth.

Milford Family Dentist have the best orthodontist Auckland and New Zealand wide to ensure you achieve your best smile with Clear Collect aligners. The team at Milford Family Dentist are trusted in the field, offering a comprehensive range of dental services including an on-call emergency dentist Auckland wide. Call 09 489 8354 now for a free consultation, or book an appointment online through the Milford Family Dentist website!