Companies Thrive with an Engaged Workforce, Says Outsourced HR Agency Hello Monday

Friday 19 November 2021, 10:46AM

By Media Giant


With labour shortages hitting the headlines in New Zealand this year, it’s no surprise that company culture is increasingly important to success. HR experts Hello Monday are well aware of this fact and are working to help businesses around the country to nurture positive and appealing working environments.

The statistics around engagement are telling. Put simply, engaged employees perform better and stick around longer. And with the cost of turnover so high—in addition to the aforementioned labour shortages—most SMEs can’t afford to lose good people. 

Hello Monday offers outsourced Culture and Engagement services to guide New Zealand SMEs through mergers, acquisitions, restructures, downsizing, and growth phases. Many businesses are too small for in-house specialised HR departments, but big enough to need a quality HR function. For an engaging, thriving workforce, outsourced HR is a great option.

To find out more about the necessity of good human resources management, get in touch with the Hello Monday team by email at or via phone on (09) 377 5200.