Cake Baking: A Family Friendly Activity For The Coming Holiday Season

Monday 29 November 2021, 5:20AM

By Premium SEO NZ



For Auckland families looking for something to do over the coming festive season, baking could prove a worthwhile and relatively inexpensive activity. Not only is baking Covid-friendly in that it can take place in the safety of your own home, but it can also be a great gift option – who doesn’t enjoy receiving a tin of homemade cookies or a yummy fruit cake at this time of year? And, regardless of age or the number of family members, baking can get everyone involved. This is especially true for cake baking, as most recipes are relatively simple and unlikely to flop regardless of a baker’s level of experience. Even the youngest children can get involved with baking a cake, and they are likely to thoroughly enjoy stirring the mixture or helping with the final decoration.

In fact, cake baking holds a long tradition of bringing people together. Historians reckon that the first cake was baked in Ancient Egypt – although it looked and tasted very different to what we understand as cake today. Since that time, cake has undergone various iterations, with different cultures and civilisations adding in their own flare until the Europeans – somewhere around the 1800s – brought the cake as we now know it into existence.

Throughout its history, the one thing that was always common with cake is that it formed part of human celebration. From weddings, birthdays, and pregnancy announcements to graduations and job promotions, cakes are a staple food for all things happy and communal. What better way, then, to bring in the festive season and celebrate life, love, and joy this year – especially after such a trying pandemic season – than by joining in with the many other families and friends who will be buying, baking, and most of all sharing cakes in Auckland over this time.