Getting Ready For Your First Couples Salsa Class? Keep These Things In Mind

Friday 28 January 2022, 3:06PM

By Premium SEO NZ


Ah, salsa! Just the right kind of physical, flirtatious, and fun dance form for those couples looking to add a little extra spice to their relationship. And while salsa dancing is a lot of fun, to make the most out of your classes together, it’s best to be prepared beforehand so you’re both on the same page.

One reality of salsa classes is that regardless of how wonderful your relationship might be, there is a chance you simply won’t have ‘dance chemistry’ and might find that you actually dance better with someone else. You’ll need to discuss ahead of time how you’ll navigate this should it happen. Also, even if you have dance chemistry, you’ll still need to accept that classes sometimes entail partner swapping to assist with technique development. Mentally prepare to treat these moments as a fun way to learn and then share with your partner when you return to your own coupling, rather than getting jealous or worried about the fact that you’re both dancing with other people.

You’ll want to practically prepare for attending classes together too, so read up on a couples salsa dancing blog about the ins and outs of salsa dancing; make sure you both have comfortable outfits to wear to class; and equip yourselves with some deodorant, breath mints, a hand towel, and a bottle of water for each session. It would also be good to attend different open classes or contact various studios before settling on where to go, as this can best ensure that you’re both happy with the set up and instructor.

Treating salsa as a fun activity that can help you grow, and ensuring that both of you are enjoying the process, will go a long way to reaping the many benefits of salsa classes.