Two Lanes to and from Town

Thursday 7 July 2022, 5:26PM

By Paul Lonsdale


Lincoln Road Bus Lanes
Lincoln Road Bus Lanes Credit: Paul Lonsdale


The Christchurch City Council are currently installing Bus Lanes along Lincoln Road to reduce traffic congestion at peak times. With the expected growth in Halswell and as a Council candidate for Halswell I will be pushing for ‘Two Lanes to and from Town’ as part of my campaign in the coming election.

While its is a ‘nice’ idea to improve the bus service, the reality is that the council will be inconveniencing 97% of commuters in favour of 3% of the population who are currently using the bus network.

The ‘Two Lanes to and from Town’ proposal does not preclude converting back to bus lanes in the future if and when the demand is there.

I will be fighting for Council to utilise both lanes for buses and cars, whereby improving traveling times for all modes of traffic, reducing overall congestion and emissions.

I am standing for council to bring pragmatic solutions and to facilitate how people want to live in our city - not dictate behaviour change.