New Generation Telemeters Promoting Scientific Advancement Across Numerous Fields

Tuesday 20 September 2022, 9:20PM

By Premium SEO NZ


Telemeters are used in a wide array of fields to aid with the measurement of moving versus stationary objects. For years, they have performed a vital function in gathering data on anything from air pressure and water quality to energy consumption and traffic flow. In the biological sciences, telemeters are often used in measuring the likes of pressure, tissue oxygen, and temperature in rats.

While telemeters are not a new invention, modern advancements in the technology mean that their use has become far broader and, in certain cases, less intrusive. Many new generation telemeters are now able to be operated wirelessly through their connection to a mobile app. This is making it far easier for scientists to conduct experiments using rats and other animals, as these test animals’ range of motion is no longer limited by telemeter wires. This significantly reduces anxiety in the animals and allows for more accurate, real-world data capturing than what has previously been possible.

For biologists and ecologists, the ability to gather accurate wireless data means an improved ability to track things like wildlife migration patterns and their interactions with different habitats, which could promote better environmental sustainability. Similarly, those functioning in the medical field are able to gather necessary biological data, such as heart rhythms and sympathetic nerve activity, from either animal or human subjects to better understand and address an array of medical issues.

By using modern telemeters to collect real-time, real-world data, scientists across numerous sectors – from agriculture and transport to meteorology and rocketry – can better advance solutions and make new discoveries in ways that have not previously been possible. As telemeters continue to improve, both in data capturing ability and accuracy, and in their compatibility with other technologies, it is possible that they will play an ever-increasing role in future scientific advancement.