Maharey & Umaga team up for secondary students

Thursday 10 May 2007, 10:38AM

By Infonews Editor


Tana Credit: BBC


Education Minister Steve Maharey has today launched the latest phase of the Team Up campaign aimed at secondary students, with Team-Up Education Ambassador Tana Umaga.

"The new resource, launched on a visit to James Cook High School in Manurewa, gives guidance to parents on how to be more actively involved in their child's learning at secondary school level.

"The Labour-led government is committed to supporting parents to take an active role in their child's education, as research shows it gives students a much better chance of succeeding.

"The latest Team-Up booklet is targeted to the parents of secondary students including tips to help with homework and study, a simple explanation of the NCEA system, and guidelines on how to deal with part-time work, nutrition or bullying.

"This resource also deals specifically with the transition beyond secondary education, for example teaching students to budget properly when going to university, and advice on career options.

"This launch provides an opportunity to celebrate three government campaigns - Mission On, Te Mana and Team-Up - all of which encourage young people, and their parents to work together to build a better future."

Tana Umaga says a little bit of time spent supporting children in their learning every day can make a big difference.

"The most valuable thing parents have to give their children is time. Learning doesn't start at nine and finish at three, it has to go on before and after that. Our children have a better chance of succeeding if we know what they're doing at school and if we're involved."

Research carried out within the first year of Team-Up showed that nearly half of parents became more involved in their child's education as a result of the campaign.