On Your Marks, Get Set, Go By Bike!

Friday 22 February 2008, 3:45PM

By New Plymouth District Council



People from all over New Zealand will be leaving their cars at home and biking to work, school or the shops next Wednesday (27 February).

It is all part of national Go By Bike Day, with 49 towns, cities and districts across the country putting on free breakfasts, entertainment and spot prizes for two-wheeled travellers.

A free breakfast, live entertainment and spot prizes will be on offer to New Plymouth’s cyclists at Puke Ariki Landing on the day, from 7am to 9am.

NPDC Roading Systems Engineer Carl Whittleston says there is no better time for local residents to rediscover their passion for pedal power.

“Biking has tremendous benefits, for the body and for the environment, and Go By Bike Day is all about celebrating that,” he says.

“Beg, borrow or buy a bike and pedal on down to experience the Go By Bike Day fun first-hand.”

Mr Whittleston says excellent entertainment has been arranged for the morning including a live jazz band and spot prizes.

Go By Bike Day is part of Bike Wise Week (23 February to 2 March), a nationwide campaign aimed at getting more Kiwis on their bikes. Bike Wise Week is funded by Land Transport NZ and the Ministry of Health, and the healthy breakfast food at Puke Ariki Landing has been donated by national sponsors including ABE’S® Food Company, Barker’s Fine Foods, Fresh Connection and Dole Superfoods.

Mr Whittleston says that while the focus of Go By Bike Day is on fun, there is a serious message behind it all.

“Two-thirds of all car journeys in New Zealand are 6km or less. We could spare the environment a lot of greenhouse grief by learning to bike those journeys instead.

“And at a time when people are more concerned than ever about their physical health, nothing makes better sense than cycling.

“Why not grab your kids, friends or workmates and pedal on down as a team? Tell your boss you might be a few minutes late or, better still, get your managers on a bike as part of your group. There’s no better way to start the day, and you might be surprised at how much fun you have!”

Go By Bike Day activities are being held in 49 centres, up from 35 last year, and organisers across New Zealand are expecting a record turnout in 2008.

For more information about events taking place during Bike Wise Week, check out