Wairarapa unemployment numbers reaches record low

Friday 14 March 2008, 3:55PM

By Darren Hughes



The Labour-led government's strong management of the economy has resulted in unemployment numbers in Wairarapa reaching a record low said Associate Social Development and Employment Minister Darren Hughes.

The latest Work and Income figures for Wairarapa show the number of people receiving the unemployment benefit has fallen to just 131. In December 1999, the number was 1,693 - a 92% drop.

"This is a great result for the people of Wairarapa" said Darren Hughes.

"Particularly pleasing is the result for young people. During my visit to the Wairarapa in February I was impressed by local efforts to train and educate young people for the workforce. The near elimination of youth unemployment shows how effective these efforts, and a strong economy, has been."

When Labour came to government in 1999, there were 200 18-19 year olds collecting the unemployment benefit, yet in January 2008 that number stood at just one.

"That points to a terrific future for youth in the Wairarapa."

The drop in the benefit numbers reflects a nation-wide trend. In December 1999, over 161,000 people received an unemployment benefit. Since then, 141,000 have come off the unemployment benefit, with just over 20,000 people receiving it now. These numbers haven't been this low since 1979.

The Labour-led government’s approach of supporting people into work has reinforced our nation's ability to build a strong economy. This in turn ensures that all New Zealanders are on their way to long term independence and well being.