Great Barrier on show at Artstation

Wednesday 9 April 2008, 12:49PM

By Auckland City Council



City dwellers have the opportunity to experience a slice of island life at Artstation's latest exhibition, Tihei Mauri Ora - Te Motu o Aotea from 22 April to 3 May 2008.

The mixed-media exhibition showcases the work of artists from Great Barrier Island with the central theme being Tihei Mauri Ora - Te Motu o Aotea, the essence of life on Great Barrier Island.

The exhibition is organised by the Maori Women's Welfare League of Aotea (Great Barrier Island) which plays a key role in the cultural, social and economic development of the island's community.

"We are part of Auckland city and yet we live in physical isolation from the city. This exhibition will generate and communicate the energy of the island to Auckland city viewers," says Noelene Ngawaka-Fortzer, weaver and group chairperson.

The group's annual exhibitions are a much celebrated event on the island but this is the first time their work has been shown on the mainland.

Works in the exhibition draw inspiration from life on the island and are presented in a range of media, including painting, sculpture, ceramics and weaving.