Te Papa scientists prepare for squid examination

Thursday 24 April 2008, 1:30PM

By Te Papa



Technicians preparing for the defrosting of the largest ever colossal squid specimen have successfully practised with a test block of ice today.

The specimen has been frozen in fishing net inside a 1.5m3 plastic container encased by a metal frame since February 2007 and provides a unique set of circumstances for the scientists and technicians.

‘The specimen we received in 2003 arrived at Te Papa in a bag and was much easier to work with,’ said Dr Carol Diebel, Te Papa’s Natural Environment Director.

‘With this specimen, we have to remove the container around it, manoeuvre the frozen squid in to the defrosting tank, then carefully remove the net as it defrosts - a very delicate procedure,’ Dr Diebel said.

The scientists used a test block of ice to calculate the time it would take to defrost and also what the best way to move it from the container in to the thawing tank and are now eager to start work on the colossal squid specimen.

‘We estimate it will take about 36 hours to fully defrost,’ said Mr Chris Paulin, Te Papa’s Projects and Compliance Manager.

People will be able to watch the defrost and dissection live on Te Papa’s website from midday Sunday 27 April and can be seen in Te Papa’s Discovery Centres and Te Aka Matua Library and Information Centre. The scientists will also be blogging about what they are finding throughout the process (

A series of lectures by the scientists commence on Thursday 1 May from 11am in Soundings Theatre including a special lecture by Dr Steve O’Shea about the colossal squid dissection at 6.30pm in Espresso on Level 4. A timetable of lectures follows.

Media are invited to attend the dissection between 11am and 12noon at Te Papa’s Tory St facility to see the specimen and talk with the scientists involved with the examination.