Is the Companies Office Failing in their duty?

Friday 18 July 2008, 10:46AM

By Exposing Unacceptable Financial Activities



Mark Bryers failed to attend a creditors meeting in March following the Blue Chip associated Companies liquidations. Mr Bryers failure to show was reported to the Companies office by the liquidator yet he still walks free. Why has he not been charged?


The company’s office was reported recently as “investigating” this serious matter but as all New Zealanders who have suffered as a result of the Blue Chip failures, live lives of cruel uncertainty, Mr Bryers carries on taking no responsibility for his actions and is not held to account.


The threat of Bankruptcy is now hanging over Mr Bryers, however he continues to live the life of a wealthy man, travelling the world and reportedly running new ventures.


Suzanne Edmonds coordinator of EUFA said from Tauranga this morning “New Zealand officials have failed to protect the investors by not stopping this man in his tracks”.......”If it were just Joe citizen this negligence by officials would never occur – maybe this is all a bit to hard for the officials?”....People are seriously suffering with many of the victims lives in tatters and this suffering and vile situation seems of little importance to the powers that be”.


Investors money gives Mr Bryers a luxurious lifestyle while his victims are also left with legal cases against the BlueChip companies. They can not afford to pursue their own cases due to the insolvent position their dealings with Blue Chip have place them in. The money trail is another path that is unaffordable for Victims to trace. The Victims money had to go somewhere!


Victims can not afford the luxury to seek justice and they sit and watch everything unravelling in their on lives. EUFA again call on the government to make available a fund for the Blue Chip Victims who are in hardship, to be given the rights to legal representation. Unaffordable justice is justice denied.


The legal aid system is not the answer to this problem and neither is a one hour meeting with someone through the law Society. Test cases are being filed and when these are completed it will be too late for many who will have had to liquidate, mostly resulting in home loss and devastation.


A meeting for Blue Chip Investors will be held in Tauranga this Sunday at 1.30 at the RSA.