THE UNIONIST: ACC, finance lending, work rights wage drive

Friday 15 August 2008, 6:47PM

By NZ Council of Trade Unions


In 'The Unionist' this week: where is the evidence for an Australian Compensation Corporation, bank workers call for overhaul of lending practices, and the Work Rights Wage Drive heads north. Story summaries are below, and visit this page for the full newsletter:

* Where is the evidence for an Australian Compensation Corporation: - "Lets hope that the “more consultation and work” on National Party ACC policy which Leader John Key has promised results in a radical re-think, to bring the policy into line with objective evidence, and the wishes of all stakeholders in our ACC scheme," CTU president Helen Kelly said this week in a column, published in a number of Fairfax newspapers.

* Finance workers recommends major overhaul of lending regulation and consumer protection: Finsec, the finance workers union, has released a report that recommends a major overhaul of the regulation governing lending by financial institutions and proposes the establishment of a new agency to act as a watch dog of the industry.

* Wage Drive continues through the North Island: The Work Rights Wage Drive has completed its South Island leg and has headed north, with mass member rallies in Wellington, Palmerston North, Napier and other parts of the lower North Island.

Visit this page for the full newsletter: