McLaren Park community centre design concept on show

Friday 24 October 2008, 6:56PM

By Waitakere City Council



A design concept for a new community centre in Henderson’s McLaren Park area will be on show at a community meeting on October 30.

The concept is the result of extensive community consultation by Waitakere City Council through a series of surveys and focus groups in which residents gave feedback on their preferences for building location and characteristics and the types of activities they would like to have in the new facility.

Activity ideas include a community market, youth art and sports programmes, a stage and performance area, playgroup, holiday and after-school programmes, adult education opportunities and seniors programmes.

Residents say they want a multi-use facility that offers a sense of belonging and which is a safe place for local youth.

The feedback has been used to form an initial concept design, which the council now wants to share with the community to see if the concept mirrors its expectations.

“Here in Waitakere we always strive to provide the type of facilities that best fit the needs of our communities and residents play a big part in helping develop those amenities,” says chairman of the council’s Culture and Community Committee, Councillor Judy Lawley.

“Too often things happen to communities, rather than communities making them happen,” she says.

“Waitakere City Council is committed to working with our communities to develop the best facilities."

Waitakere City Council has budgeted more than $1 million in its Long Term Council Community Plan (LTCCP) to build the facility, which will be located on Corban Ave, in the 2010/2011 financial year.

Those unable to attend the meeting can still have their say by filling in a quick survey response form. These are available from the McLaren Park Henderson South information office, 64D Bruce Mclaren Road. Phone 836-4141.

WHERE: Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 29 Corban Ave, Henderson South.

WHEN: Thursday, October 30, 2008, at 6.00pm.