Acting General Manager for Destination Lake Taupo appointed

Tuesday 28 October 2008, 6:28PM

By Taupo District Council


Warwick Hall
Warwick Hall Credit: Taupo District Council


Warwick Hall has been appointed as Acting General Manager for Destination Lake Taupo.

Mr Hall has been the Manager of Event Marketing for Destination Lake Taupo for the past four years, and steps into the Acting role after incumbent General Manager Scott Lee left earlier in October.

“I plan to approach my new responsibilities with the same energy that I apply to my events portfolio, but will be taking a more controlled and strategic approach in this role,” said Mr Hall.

Taupo District Council CEO, Rob Williams said “during his time at Destination Lake Taupo, Mr Hall has worked tirelessly to secure numerous international events for the Taupo District, and is able to step into the breech to ensure the momentum is not lost as we head into summer.”

Interim Lake Taupo Tourism Advisory Board Chairman Chris Johnston says “Warwick has experience across the whole spectrum of tourism operations, not just events and can hit the ground running. I believe he will provide Destination Lake Taupo with stability and direction over the busy time ahead.”

Mr Hall has spent many years working in the tourism sector, including running his own adventure tourism business in Gisborne, and working in retail, accommodation and hospitality in Taupo.