$80,000 announced for youth and community programmes

Thursday 14 May 2009, 6:37PM

By Manukau City Council



 $80,000 announced for youth and community programmes

Manukau City Council’s Grants and Events Funding Sub-Committee allocated about $80,000 for various community projects in the city.

Of these, $76,841 have been allocated from the second and final round of funding from the 2008-09 Citywide Social Investment Fund. The earlier round allocated $82,140 in December last year.

One of these approvals includes $35,000 for Life Education Trust Manukau South for funding an educator. The educator is expected to deliver comprehensive health programmes to 7500 children in various wards of Manukau every year.

Another project to receive funding is Children's Autism Foundation which was granted $20,136 which will help fund a fieldworker for the SHINE Autism Family Support Programme.

Chair of the Grants and Events Sub-Committee Councillor Hugh Graham says the committee is pleased to provide funding to support these groups.

“We want to promote youth capacity building, and support initiatives targeting youth skills development. The council's funding is also helping capacity building of selected disadvantaged communities.”

The committee also approved funding of $2700 from its 2008/09 Immediate Response/Crime Safety Fund. The funding was agreed by the council as part of the 2008-09 Annual Plan.


Note to editors:
Groups allocated funding from the Citywide Social Investment Fund:
1. The Children's Autism Foundation was granted $20,136 towards the salary for a fulltime fieldworker, training, administration and travel costs for the SHINE Autism Family Support Programme.
2 . Life Education Trust Manukau South was granted $35,000 towards the salary for a Life Education Trust Educator.
3 . Shanti Niwas Charitable Trust was granted $4000 towards salary and operational costs, hall hire and volunteer costs to hold 'Positive Ageing Day Programmes'.
4 . The South Auckland Tongan Adventist Community Brass Band was granted $4405 towards band instrument replacement, equipment maintenance, sheet music and photocopies, venue hire and transport costs for the band to practise and perform in Manukau.
5 . Training and Budget Services Inc. was granted $13,300 towards operating expenses associated with office rental costs, volunteer travel expenses and training programme costs.