Cemetery Dumpers Identified After Public Disgust

Wednesday 29 July 2009, 11:37AM

By Hastings District Council




Hastings District Council will prosecute under the Litter Act for the first time after two young men have admitted dumping their garden rubbish in Havelock North Cemetery.


A story in Hawke’s Bay Today attracted a huge response.

Information from the public, combined with the keen eye of a local police officer who spotted the car towing the trailer in the area, helped Council staff track down the 19 and 21-year-old men at a Hastings address.

The two men will face a prosecution of “Depositing Litter in a Public Place” under the Litter Act 1979, which carries a maximum fine of $5000 and the possibility of having to pay reparation.

Councillor Norm Speers says his own parents are buried at the cemetery and found the thought of someone driving over graves to dump their rubbish there extremely offensive.

“Like many people I am appalled that someone could dump on a cemetery of all places. I’m proud to see the people of Hastings standing up for their city and saying no to ignorant behaviour like this,” Cr Speers says.

“I’d like to thank the people who came forward and led to the identification of these men. We want more Hastings residents to follow their example and report littering and dumping to us or the police.”

“Hastings District Council wants to keep Hastings beautiful and those people who are found dumping or littering will be prosecuted.”

For a photo opportunity please contact Communications Manager Erin Harford.