bioSPORT Confirm Auckland Criterium Series

Sunday 15 November 2009, 4:20PM




Biomechanical physiotherapy practice bioSPORT has confirmed rumors that they are organising a Thursday night Criterium Series at the Viaduct Tank Farm to replace the long running predecessor the Cyco Crits.

bioSPORT director and keen cyclist Greg Pain says it was a no-brainer, “when I heard that summer series wasn’t running this year I immediately realised this was an opportunity to step up.”

bioSPORT is a biomechanical physiotherapy and sports conditioning practice in Auckland’s CBD that specialises in cycling, running, multisport and triathlon. They work with both elite and social athletes and are becoming well known in the New Zealand cycling scene for their success in cycling technique training and injury prevention advice as well as traditional rehabilitation.

Recently they were one half of Team – bioSPORT in the Tour of Southland that brought Floyd Landis to New Zealand. Working together again, will be reporting on the bioSPORT Criterium Series and are contributing to the prize pool.

Unfortunately Auckland City Council could not process the application in time for December races as Greg originally wanted but a six race series will kick off on Thursday 4th February.

Greg is quietly hopeful that the support of the cycling community will make these bioSPORT Crits a success. “I’m sure everyone thought the same as me, that this is just a great series and it would be a shame to let it die. Therefore I’m fronting the money and time to make it happen….though of course I’m telling my marketing director (also my wife) that it will be a great brand/sales exercise…I hope I’m right about this too!”

The races will be run to the same format as the previous Thursday night crits, although Greg’s made a few changes to streamline the event. “As a physiotherapy practice rider safety is obviously our most important priority. On the advice of our seasoned race director we are therefore running 3 grades, A, B and now C for beginners. We will have regular marshals and a nominated first aider at every race, and if the conditions are marginal we are going to reverse the course.” It’s not just about safety though, “We thought it would be perfect to finish the series with a grand final on a Saturday or Sunday morning and will be announcing some great prizes in the next few weeks”.

Rider numbers are limited to 60 per grade. Online purchases of a bioSPORT Criterium Series pack and individual races will soon be available at To register your interest now and read more about the series or bioSPORT visit