Drivers and Cyclists Urged to Share

Tuesday 8 December 2009, 2:22PM

By Franklin District Council



Franklin drivers and cyclists are being asked to ‘share’ as part of a new road safety campaign.

On average, two cyclists are killed on Auckland roads each year, a figure road safety campaigners are working hard to eliminate through public awareness campaigns such as the newly-launched ‘Share the Road’ campaign.

While campaigns in the past have focused on drivers needing to be aware of cyclists, this campaign promotes safety messages to both.

Franklin District Council Road Safety Co-ordinator Monique Haines says, “This campaign is about sharing – sharing the road and sharing responsibility. It’s up to both drivers and cyclists to be aware - motorists need to be especially vigilant at intersections and on roads with limited road margins, while cyclists have a responsibility to obey the road rules and to ensure they cycle safely and are visible.”

“The campaign highlights this shared responsibility and aims to reinforce key safety messages to both motorists and cyclists.”

The campaign includes various forms of advertising, including billboards. Four ’Watch out for Bikes’ billboards are being installed on Buckland, Mill, Glenbrook and Waiuku Roads next week. The campaign is also being promoted locally at Waiuku Christmas Parade on Saturday, and will feature as part of Franklin’s Bike Wise Mayoral Challenge on February 23 2010.

For cyclists, the ‘Share the Road’ campaign key messages are; ‘Same Road, Same Rules’, and ‘Ride with Respect (for other road users). For drivers, they are being urged to ‘Look Twice at Intersections’, and ‘Open Car doors with Care’.

‘Share the Road’ is supported by New Zealand Transport Agency, Auckland Region Transport Authority, RoadSafe Auckland, Cycle Action Auckland, Automobile Association, NZ Police, Auckland Regional Council, SafeKids, Auckland Regional Public Health Service, Accident Compensation Corporation and local authorities including Franklin District Council.


Further Information:
Auckland region statistics for crashes (2003 to 2008)
1,164 injury crashes
5 cyclists died, 208 received serious injuries and 957 minor injuries
55 percent at intersections
84 percent during the day
86 percent in dry conditions

In around 70 percent of crashes the driver of the motor vehicle was totally or partially at fault in the crash
Crashes by local body region (2003 to 2008)
Auckland City 569
North Shore City 194
Manukau City 177
Waitakere City 129
Rodney District 41
Papakura District 30
Franklin District 24

For more information regarding ‘sharing the road with cyclists’ and ‘information for cyclists’ please visit the following Land Transport NZ Road Code website links: