Victim identified - Fatal Crash at Queenstown

Thursday 18 February 2010, 9:25AM

By New Zealand Police



Queenstown Police have identified the woman who died after being stuck by a Connectabus on Tuesday night on Fernhill Road, Queenstown as Hsiu-Yuch LEE, aged 48 years, of Taiwan.

Mrs LEE had arrived in Queenstown earlier that day, having landed in New Zealand on the 15th of February as part of an organised Tour Group and was travelling together with her husband and two adult children.

Police have completed their initial scene and vehicle examinations and are now concentrating on speaking with Witnesses to the crash.

Whilst the Driver of the Bus and a number of other witnesses, including Mrs LEE's family, who were with her when the crash occurred, had been interviewed, Police are seeking the following persons who may have information of significance to the enquiry.

In particular, Police want to speak to a male passenger that had been on the Connectabus, having been picked up from Fernhill Road, near the Aspen Hotel, at about 9:20pm.

This passenger is believed to be a regular user of the service and normally alights at the Bus Stop near Marina Drive, at Frankton.

Police are also seeking the driver of a light coloured 4 -door car, similar in shape to a Toyota Corolla, which had been travelling up Fernhill Road, immediately in front of a Queenstown Taxi Van, at about the same time the Connectabus was travelling down Fernhill Road, in the vicinity of the Heritage Hotel.

It is believed that this vehicle may have turned into Sainsbury Road.

These persons and anyone else who believes they may have information regarding the crash are asked to contact Constable Aaron REDAELLI of the Queenstown Police on 03 441 1600.

Sergeant Brian Cameron of Queenstown Police stated "At this time the enquiry is still in its early stages and a decision as to whether any charges will be considered is some time off. We are conscious that this is a time of terrible stress and grief for all those involved however, as in any investigation, Police must make certain of all the facts, before any determination as to cause is made".