The Pipe - Fast Sales Pipeline Cloud App - 1st Screenshots released

Friday 12 March 2010, 5:21PM

By Spark Consulting


Filtered by Month
Filtered by Month Credit: Spark Consulting

Over the last 6 months we have been developing The Pipe a super fast Sales Pipeline Cloud App to fill a gap in our business.

Our problem was we had CRM but never got the full reporting benefits from it because we more often than not didn't spend the time to continually feed data into it. Why... well to be honest most of us already had that data somewhere, on an iPhone, in a task manager etc... and quite frankly laborious data entry kills me.

I wanted to have an application where I could simply put in "Who, Where, What, When, How Much, and What Stage" thats it. The Pipe is that solution, we simply enter who, where, what, when, how much, the sales stage and thats it. Now every day we can see where we are, how we've done, how we are sitting in respect to financial targets and even use it as an overview of what projects are in-house at the moment and where can we top up.

This is our first in-house production version and there are a few things left to do before making this available to the public. We will be looking for beta testers so give me a holler if you're interested to

You can view more screenshots over at