Artist explores issues related to obesity and healthy eating

Friday 19 March 2010, 12:40PM

By Amiria Robinson


Non-food I (lollies)
Non-food I (lollies) Credit: Amiria Robinson
Food II (Apples)
Food II (Apples) Credit: Amiria Robinson


New Zealand artist Amiria Gale’s latest work explores healthy eating and obesity. Her current works illustrate what she defines as ‘Food’ or ‘Non-Food’ – the difference being crucial in achieving good health and a desirable body weight.

Gale’s paintings remind us that food is that which nourishes us. She contends that many people have forgotten what food is and primarily consume processed arrangements of sugar, fat and flour. This non-food has been processed to the extent that nutritional content is removed and calorie concentration increased. Non-foods appeal to our taste-buds but do not provide the nutrition that our bodies are hungry for.

Gale’s paintings endeavour to illustrate the artificial, glossy, nature of such products in a way that their seductive quality is less certain.

Works can be viewed at