Landowner convicted for illegal stream works

Wednesday 28 April 2010, 7:53AM

By Greater Wellington Regional Council



The District Court has convicted and fined south Wairarapa landowner Lloyd Rayner $37,000 for illegal stream works in the Tauherenikau Delta, on the northern fringe of Lake Wairarapa.

Mr Rayner and Hauroa Farms Ltd earlier pleaded guilty to two sets of charges laid by Greater Wellington under the Resource Management Act.

The charges concerned two related incidents – one for works in a stream in March 2008 which resulted in the deaths of several hundred native eels and the second for excavating a riverbed, and diverting water from a river and wetland in March 2009.

Both sets of works were undertaken in the Tauherenikau Delta, identified as a regionally significant wetland with a high degree of natural character.

District Court Judge Kelly said yesterday that the offending was not trivial. The Tauherenikau Delta was part of the largest remaining wetland in the lower North Island. There were only two percent of pre-European wetlands remaining in the Wellington region. Even though the area where the works occurred was not in pristine condition that was no reason to further degrade it.

Judge Kelly said the works had a number of negative environmental effects, including the deaths of hundreds of short and longfin eels. New Zealand’s native eels – known as tuna – had high cultural significance to Māori who considered the works to have damaged the habitat and mauri (life force) of the area.

Greater Wellington Environmental Protection Team Leader Nic Conland said the fines reflected the seriousness with which the court viewed this type of environmental offending.

"The conviction highlights the importance of Lake Wairarapa and its surrounding wetlands to the community and how extra care is required by those working in this part of the region.”

He said it was important for landowners and contractors considering stream works to get in touch with Greater Wellington consents and compliance staff for advice prior to undertaking any works.