Ruru the morepork encouraging Rotorua speedsters to slow down

Friday 28 May 2010, 9:31AM

By Rotorua District Council


 Ruru the road safety morepork is spreading its wings to high speed zones in Rotorua
Ruru the road safety morepork is spreading its wings to high speed zones in Rotorua Credit: Rotorua District Council


Ruru the road safety morepork is spreading its wings to high speed zones in Rotorua.

The native owl character currently fronting the State Highway 5 road safety campaign will begin featuring on Rotorua billboards this week alongside messages aimed at deterring people from speeding.

Rotorua has a serious speeding problem according to the NZ Transport Agency’s recently released Communities at Risk Register.

The national report covers fatal and serious injury crash statistics over the five year period from 2005 – 2009, with Rotorua identified as the third worst in the country for speed crashes.

Rotorua District Council Road Safety Coordinator Jodie Lawson says being one of the three worst communities for crashes involving speed is very concerning and needs to be addressed.

“A staggering 33 percent of all crashes in our district involve speed. This is a shocking percentage and should be ringing alarm bells.

“We all need to own the problem and change our driving behaviour to improve safety on local roads.”

Messages on the new Ruru billboards in Rotorua will include Speed kills, Wise drivers never speed, Wise drivers slow down on bends, Slow down in the wet, and Foggy – slow down.

Ruru the morepork was selected for the road safety campaigns because of the wise nature associated with owls and the bird’s keen eyesight, and because Maori traditionally regard the morepork as a spiritual Kaitiaki or guardian that warns of danger.