Thank you to Moko Minders and community

Friday 28 May 2010, 3:04PM

By Mike Jones



With the change in weather conditions the Department of Conservation and the Whakatane District Council would like to thank the Moko Minders for their dedication over summer. Without doubt, Moko the dolphin has been the star attraction to Whakatane waters over these last few months, putting the Eastern Bay squarely on the map as a tourist destination.

The minders have successfully achieved their role of trying to ensure that no serious harm came to Moko or the public that were interacting with him. The main objective for the minders was to encourage sensible interactions with Moko and ensure public safety while there were large numbers of people over the peak visitor period.

DOC feels that generally this has been achieved and most people are following the simple commonsense messages.

Thanks must also go to the wider Whakatane community for playing their equally valuable part in helping look out for Moko’s well being. Summer has been a very busy period, with the water being a popular destination not only for summer beach goers but for a diverse range of national competitions. These activities have provided many challenges for all of us.

DOC and the Council intend to work very closely with a number of other agencies to develop a plan for Moko’s welfare should he still be in and around Whakatane come spring.

While Moko still actively seeks interactions with people, he is a wild animal and if you interact with him you need to keep this in mind.

The basic commonsense messages for interactions around Moko are still:
• Give him space when he is feeding or resting,
• Take a hands off approach and if you do go swimming remove any jewellery
• Toys and rubbish are a no go
• If you are in a boat, slow and steady

If you see activities around Moko that are endangering him, please call 0800 DOCHOT (0800 362468) immediately.

For more details about Moko visit: