Award Finalist brings world-class cleaning technology to NZ

Friday 23 July 2010, 7:30AM

By Contaminated Site Solutions



Traditional decontamination techniques are not only time-consuming, but it’s also difficult to completely decontaminate buildings and property. This is changing, with world-class decontamination technology now being available in New Zealand for the first time. It’s being introduced down under by Avondale-based Contaminated Site Solutions, a Finalist in the Westpac Waitakere Business Awards.

“New Zealanders can now take comfort, after the trauma of fire or flood, that their most precious keepsakes can be restored to their previous condition,” says Victor Boyd, Director of Contaminated Site Solutions.

Insurance companies contract Victor and his team to provide this decontamination service to their clients, as restoring existing items is often far more cost-effective than buying new items.

“As well as making financial sense, it makes a positive impact emotionally too,” says Victor. “A fire or flood is especially traumatic when personal possessions are destroyed. So it’s comforting for home owners to have sentimental items, such as ornaments, antiques and other personal items salvaged. And for businesses, it can mean they get back to work more quickly, as we can often restore their computers, electronics and other equipment,” says Victor.

Cleaning up P-Labs is an increasingly common task for the team at Contaminated Site Solutions, and the company has undertaken extensive studies of this kind of decontamination work, producing standards for the industry.

“Buildings used to produce methamphetamine are very volatile; members of the public shouldn’t be attempting to clean these themselves,” says Victor. “We have stringent security measures in place to protect our team from volatiles affecting their eyes, skin and respiratory systems.”

The company is now marketing its testing and decontamination services to hospitals and healthcare facilities.

“Using our new technology we can totally eliminate superbugs in hospitals, rest homes and any other health care facility and can be used as a pandemic control measure,” says Victor. “The potential benefits to DHBs are huge, as it could mean fewer staff absences due to sickness, as well as a quicker turnaround time of operating theatres, enabling more procedures to be carried out.”

“For the first time ever, New Zealand now has the technology available to be at the forefront of the decontamination processes across the entire spectrum from soot to superbugs – quickly, and cost-effectively.”

This is the first time that Contaminated Site Solutions has entered the Westpac Waitakere Business Awards, and the company is thrilled to be announced as a Finalist for the Corban Revell Best Small Business Award.

“Being recognised in this way is very rewarding for the whole team at Contaminated Site Solutions,” says Victor.

“We’re a small business taking a big step forward: we’re passionate about providing decontamination services not just in Waitakere, but throughout New Zealand. It’s great that the Awards have recognised what’s unique about our company; it proves we’re moving in the right direction.”

Contaminated Site Solutions is a listed supplier to the NZ Insurance Council, and registered with councils throughout New Zealand to undertake decontamination work, to ensure that everything is completed to the standards set by each council.


About Contaminated Site Solutions

Launched in 2007, Contaminated Site Solutions Limited was formed to address the need for a complete one-stop decontamination company.

The Company was set up with a hand-picked team of experienced decontamination personnel and management staff with more than ten years experience in the commercial cleaning and 30 years experience in residential and commercial construction.

In order to provide you with the most state-of-the-art decontamination service Contaminated Site Solutions work with the most progressive technologies and providers in the industry.

Mission statement: To provide professional, qualified, certified and independently laboratory tested decontamination solutions 24x7 throughout New Zealand, making contaminated spaces healthy again.