Online Communities Help People Connect in the 'Real World'

Tuesday 24 August 2010, 10:36PM

By CYP Inc.



Not-for-profit organisation, Canterbury Young Professionals (CYP) embraces online media to help people socialise in the ‘real world’

Christchurch, New Zealand, August 24, 2010 - It is no longer the case that spending time ‘online’ is linked with social isolation and loneliness. Now, it is quite possibly the opposite. Technology is enabling people to connect and meet up en masse with others in the ‘real world’. For the remainder of August young professionals in Canterbury will be masquing their Facebook profiles in the lead up to the biggest social event of the year for the networking and professional development events organisation, CYP (Canterbury Young Professionals). 

Recent reports identified ‘Mass Mingling’ as one of the top 10 trends for 2010, showing that online users are using social media to help people mingle in a ways that are face-to-face. There are many ways in which this can be used, think friends and family, colleagues, romantic interests, those sharing similar hobbies, interests, political preferences, grievances or causes. CYP are utilising the online world to share information about the biggest event on their social calendar.

The occasion is the 4th Annual CYP Ball, held at the Issac Theatre Royal on Saturday 28th August, which might have already been guessed, is masquerade themed. In preparation for the event, CYP embraced some ‘outside the box’ thinking helping its members and extended networks to put on a virtual ‘mask’.
The question will be asked, how exactly does one virtually mask themselves? And what’s the point? Members were sent various images of masks. They choose one mask to suit them, which they could then upload as their Facebook profile picture. The virtual ‘mask’ creates an air of mystery and intrigue on the members Facebook, purposely challenging the ‘norm’ of a photograph on your profile page while generating interest around the event. The masks quickly identify people on a member’s Facebook friend list who are attending. The night will also showcase Christchurch’s musical, ballroom dancing and circo-art talent for the expected 200 crowd.

Facebook is viewed by the organising committee as a great tool to develop an online community and efficiently share information across networks using different media options including videos and images to support ‘real world’ meet ups. “Key information about CYP events can be quickly shared using electronic media such as email and Facebook. This provides agility for CYP’s event promotion, ensuring the right information gets out at the right time” says Nicolette Le Cren, CYP’s marketing manager. Facebook has also been used to communicate the theme of the ball and provide a way to inspire costume ideas for a night out like no other. Have a look at the CYP Masquerade ball Facebook page or the CYP website to see for yourself.


Now in its third year, Canterbury Young Professionals (CYP), is the leading volunteer driven, not-for-profit organisation developing a Young Professional community in Canterbury bridging together young professionals whether Cantabrian or otherwise, across the various industry sectors.
CYP facilitate events to support young professionals looking to develop both professionally and personally with social and business networking. CYP link with the Canterbury community to run social, business and recently, charity events to help provide members with opportunities to network, gain skills and have fun along the way. 

CYP social events are of outstanding quality and a way to meet other members across different industries. Events include the CYP Ball, Cocktail Party, Birthday Party, End of Month Drinks and End of Year party.
CYP Business events focus on connecting the Canterbury business community with CYP members while offering professional development opportunities. Events include Business Speed Dating, Business Lunch series, debates and other opportunities in association with NZIM.

From the beginning, CYP amassed a group of corporate sponsors and professional associations eager to support the network of tomorrow’s leaders. Official sponsors include Beca, ASB, BDO, Anderson Lloyd Lawyers, and partners the New Zealand Institute of Management (NZIM) and Global Office.

With little advertising, CYP has organically grown and annually attracts over 550 members from a diverse range of professions, boasting a near 50/50 split of males to females from 21 different industries. “With this diversity, value is now realised in the cross-pollination of ideas, knowledge and understanding between the various industry sectors” says Brett Christie, President of CYP. 

CYP and its networks – already stretching lengths of New Zealand envisage a nationwide network for young professionals with more diverse and exciting events and plans to incorporate a dynamic online platform linking networks across the country. With commitment from young leaders across New Zealand, it is a group creating waves.

For more information about CYP or to get involved - signup online, visit or contact CYP at